Waiting for the truth to reveal itself to me and only to me

June 23, 2011 at 8:35 pm (Uncategorized)

As days go by, mysteries knock on my door every time I blink. My journey is crystaline, like a deep forest of my existence. I dreamt I was at some sort of a party – can’t place it in a certain time -, it could have been a masked ball. My purpose was to hide a Key that was hanging on my neck. The Keepers of the Key put all their trust in me, all very well aware of my Destiny. Many have been lost on the way, too many have vanished, all for a greater purpose: Protection of the Key!

As I was trying to mingle among the people at the party, an old wicked woman pretended to be my friend, so she could get her hands on the Key, but I recognised her mask. She was following me for a while. Nothing remarkable about this woman, because her greed was enormous and she couldn’t hide her true desire any longer.

“Let me take care of this burden. You are so young and precious. Let me take care of it. I promise you I mean no harm.” the words came out of her mouth like zillions of swords aiming to manipulate me. Pathetic, indeed. All this for a little key? Her eyes became bigger and I thought I could hear the rapid heart beats from her chest. The moment I sensed the peril, I ran and hid in another Time. I knew I had to move to another Realm. I had to get far, far away. There I hid under a hooded black velvet cape, keeping the Key safe underneath it. My face was covered with a Golden Raven mask. No one knew me there, but I had to be careful every step of my way.

How could a Dream be as real as anything else that we percieve as real, because we’ve been programmed since we are born “that this is real”? We are ‘educated’, right? What happens when one being is chosen to see beyond the program and SEES what others will never? There is still much I must learn. This is just the beginning. The White Wolf with the Sapphire and the black crow with the silvery V are one of my most important guides, teachers, mentors and I must learn from them everything they communicate to me. I may call them animal totems, but they’re more than that.

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